"When you accepted the invitation to study at Holy Cross, you accepted an invitation to live your life differently than had you enrolled in any other school in this country."
Mark Shriver

Develop philanthropic capacity and maximize sustainable annual and longer-term philanthropic achievement.

Collaborate strategically with the Board of Trustees, the Institutional Advancement Committee and other volunteer leaders to strengthen the College’s culture of philanthropy and grow alumni engagement.

Charge the next Vice President for Advancement with structuring and leading the Advancement team to maximize strategic relationship-building.

In collaboration with the Vice Provost and Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, position Alumni Relations to embrace, best engage and sustain relationships with the full diversity of Holy Cross constituencies.

Ensure that a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy aligns key messaging and coordinates communications to aid in instilling a culture of philanthropy and inspiring unprecedented levels of support.
"I'm innately an optimist, and certainly an optimist about the future of Holy Cross."
Helen W. Boucher ’86, Chair, Holy Cross Board of Trustees