Do you have a question about the strategic plan or a suggestion or idea related to one of its aims? Would you like to share feedback or get involved in advancing the goals articulated in Aspire? Please share your name and contact information, and we’ll be in touch. Thank you!

About Aspire
This strategic plan envisions a bold future for Holy Cross. Faculty, staff, alumni and friends, and students and their families have contributed to its vision and will be key to its success.
In early 2020, a committee of faculty and staff members was appointed to oversee the preparation of a new strategic plan for the College. That committee held a series of campus discussions before hosting numerous subcommittee discussions and visioning sessions about the future of Holy Cross. Soon after President Rougeau was appointed in the summer of 2021, he launched a second phase of strategic planning – Calls to Conversation. Using the major themes and questions generated in phase 1, the Calls to Conversation phase engaged community members in targeted discussions about the future of Holy Cross. Over the course of 17 focus group conversations with more than 150 students, faculty and staff members, and over 100 additional alumni and parents, Worcester community partners and admitted students, a clear set of strategic initiatives emerged.
The work of the initial strategic plan steering committee and the input from community members in the Calls to Conversation led to Aspire, the vision you see reflected here. Every person who contributed a comment, question or idea over the course of the past three years had a hand in Aspire’s creation. We express our gratitude to each one of you.
Now is the time to commit, invest and join in creating a bold future for Holy Cross that brings to bear all of the College’s distinctive gifts in service of a more just and humane world.