While this plan will guide us for the next five to 10 years, we look ahead as well to the College’s bicentennial in 2043, when a new generation will be the beneficiaries of our work and will, themselves, have taken up the task of our highest mission: to accompany the young in the creation of a hope-filled future.

In measuring our success, we will look to specific indicators and broad trends, including meaningful metrics such as:
- Improved student retention and completion rates
- Greater recruitment and retention of faculty and staff from underrepresented communities
- Experiential learning and co-curricular opportunities for all students
- Significant expansion of the College’s philanthropic capacity
Detailed plans will grow from the areas of strategic focus we articulate here. For instance, success toward our academic aims will be defined first by developing a strategic plan for academic excellence, one with measurable goals for delivering an exceptional learning environment and an experience centered in inclusive excellence, and for supporting faculty in their development as teachers and scholars.
The work to realize our vision is our collective endeavor. Senior leaders will guide each of the focus areas, though the work will be highly collaborative and evolving.
We will report to the community regularly on progress toward our aims.